Narrativas de professores sobre a educação especial e o AEE na perspectiva inclusiva
Teacher’s narratives about the inclusive education and the AEE in the inclusive perspective
As transformações sociais possibilitam mudanças no campo educacional. Um dos avanços considera-se a inclusão escolar de alunos público-alvo da educação especial-PAEE no ensino regular. Com o exposto, discute-se sobre as narrativas docentes do atendimento educacional especializado-AEE na parceria com o professor do ensino comum. O objetivo consistiu em analisar as narrativas docentes acerca das atividades do AEE em colaboração com o docente do ensino comum. A metodologia contemplou entrevistas narrativas aos professores que trabalham com o AEE e com o ensino regular. Os resultados evidenciaram que o trabalho colaborativo entre o professor do AEE e da sala comum precisa ser consolidado para que a escolarização dos alunos PAEE ocorra eficazmente, dando-lhes condições de serem envolvidos nas atividades escolares e se sintam pertencentes a escola que estudam.
Palavras-chave: Atendimento Educacional Especializado; Educação Inclusiva; Alunos Público-Alvo da Educação Especial.
The social transformations enables changes in the educational field. The school inclusion of special education target students – PAEE o is considered one of the advances in the regular education. Based on it, it is discussed about the teaching narratives of the specialized educational servisse – AEE in partnership with the common education teacher. The objetive was to analyze the teaching narratives about the AEE activities in collaboration with the common teaching teacher. The methodology includede narrative interviews with teacher who Works with AEE and regular education. The results showed that the colaborative work between AEE’s Teachers and the common classroom teacher needs to be consolidated so the education of PAEE students takes place effectively, givving them conditions to be involved in the scholar activities and feel like they belong to the school in with they study.
Keyword: Specialized Educational Servisse; Inclusive Education; Special Education Target Students.
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