Juventude(s) e ensino médio: fatores internos e externos do abandono escolar na última etapa da educação básica
Youth(s) and high school: internal and external factors of school abandonment in the last stage of basic education
O artigo objetiva caracterizar o perfil da(s) juventude(s) paraense(s) e abordar os motivos internos e externos à instituição escolar que provocam o abandono no ensino médio. Como procedimento metodológico elegeu-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de documento. Os resultados mostram que as principais causas relacionam-se à dificuldade de conciliar os estudos com o emprego, à gravidez, sucessivas reprovações, etc. Verificamos um ensino marcado por sérios problemas de fluxo e conclusão, gerados para além de questões escolares, por fatores produzidos pela desigualdade social. Conclui-se reconhecendo a necessidade de políticas educacionais que enfrentem essa realidade e contemplem as demandas dos jovens da classe trabalhadora, oferecendo-lhes acesso aos conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos, à cultura e ao trabalho, assegurando-lhes o exercício da cidadania.
Palavras-chave: Juventude (s); Educação Básica; Ensino Médio; Abandono escolar.
The article aims to characterize the profile of Pará's youth (s), as well as addressing schooling issues the internal and external reasons for the school institution that make students drop out of high school. As a methodological procedure, were chosen bibliographic and documentary revision, in researches that take as an object of study school dropout in high school. Among the results, we identified that the main motivators are related to the difficulty of reconciling studies with employment, pregnancy, in many cases early, successive failures, among other factors. We verified a teaching marked by serious problems of flow and completion, generated in addition to strictly school issues, by factors produced by social inequality. It concludes by recognizing the need for educational policies that face this reality, that contemplate the demands of young working class people, with the perspective of offering them opportunities to access scientific and technological knowledge, culture, work, ensuring the exercise of their citizenship.
Keywords: Youth (s); Basic education; High school; Dropout of school.
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